With a background in radio astronomy, I have worked on ESA's Planck satellite as well as LCOGT's global network of optical telescopes. I can be found coding, cycling, and other things. I'm based in Yorkshire and can be found part-time at ODI Leeds and part time writing Javascript for Aperio Software. Here are some of the other things I've done...
2025-parkrun alphabet challenge
Find the nearest parkruns to your local parkrun that start with each letter of the alphabet.- data
2017A ride along the coast
A bike ride along the Atlantic coast of Europe from north to south. The total distance was over 11,700 kilometres. View the actual route and 手机虚拟专用网络设置. -
2016Amy's random fish generator
Randomly generate a fish based on designs created by 手机虚拟专用网络.- 手机虚拟专用网络
jQuery was getting too big for me so I made a lightweight replacement that does most of the DOM manipulation that I want. Heavily inspired by 手机虚拟专用网络.
Source code- javascript
2014-5Cosmos: The Infographic Book of Space
I created a book of space-related data visualisations with Chris North and designer Mark McCormick for Aurum Press. It was published in October 2015. It is accompanied by a repository of interactive infographics.- data
- javascript
Leeds Hex Map
A Leeds ward map made from CSS hexagons. It is a proof of concept. It currently loads data from Leeds Data Mill
Source code- CSS
- javascript
2015UK Hex Map
A UK constituency map made from CSS hexagons. This is more representative of population than a usual geographic map i.e. Scotland has a similar population to Yorkshire.
Source code- CSS
- data
An experiment in recreating the moving thought bubbles from the end-credits screen of the Pixar movie using only CSS.- CSS
2015-Seldom Sirius
I co-present an astronomy podcast. I have automated the process of generating the MP3s and RSS feeds for the finished audio.- perl
- command-line
- audio
手机虚拟专用网络设置How Many Planets?
There haven't always been 8 (or 9 if you are older) planets. The number has varied quite a bit since the invention of the telescope.
How many planets code- javascript
Wakefield & North of England Tulip Society
I automated the cleaning of 85 years worth of transcribed meeting minutes. This involved lots of regex, manual cleaning, and output in a format to load into their WordPress site. I also made 手机虚拟专用网络设置.- 手机虚拟专用网络设置
- regex
- search
2014Space Telescope Designer
A web-ification of a schools project originally implemented in Excel by Chris North. Also available in a more advanced mode for older pupils with more options and a more realistic use of risk. In Javascript with 手机虚拟专用网络 and responsive styling.
Space Telescope Designer code- 手机虚拟专用网络
- responsive design
- canvas
2015-UK TV Panel Show Gender Breakdown
Using episode-by-episode data to determine how much UK panel shows under-represent women.
Panel show data- data
- perl
Hex grid game
To experiment with hexagons in CSS I made a partially functioning version of a quiz game. You would need to provide your own questions.- CSS
- javascript
2014Multi-wavelength Universe
An interactive astronomical game to teach people how different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can reveal different aspects of astrophysics.
Multi-wavelength Universe code- javascript
2013Messier Bingo
A bingo game based around the Messier catalogue of astronomical objects. An implementation of an idea by Ed Gomez. Uses jQuery and Raphael.js.
Messier Bingo code- 手机虚拟专用网络设置
An interactive Hertzsprung-Russell diagram created with Jon Yardley, Haley Gomez and Ed Gomez. Uses jQuery and Raphael.js. Includes support for multiple languages.
SIAB code- javascript
2014-APOD Search
A search engine (with cone search) for Astronomy Picture of the Day. Makes use of perl for text parsing. I also extract deep-sky objects from the text, find their positions with lookUP and make a heatmap. Also a Twitter account.
如何用手机APP完成虚拟号码验证码接收-百度经验:2021-2-5 · 如何用手机APP完成虚拟号码验证码接收,很多软件广告多,并且现在很多需要实名,需要客户资料,信息会被泄露;如果不想用自己生活手机号接收验证码,又需要注册一些需要验证码的平台,下面分享如何用手机APP完成虚拟号码验证码接收。.- 手机虚拟专用网络
Display the weather history for UK parkrun events. Uses hourly data provided by the MET Office. Created with perl.- data
2010-Virtual Sky
An embeddable HTML5-canvas-based planetarium. I created this for LCOGT and it is freely available for non-commercial use.
VirtualSky code- canvas
- javascript
2014-5In the tyre tracks of Thomas Stevens
In 2014-5 (130th anniversary of the first round-the-world cycle ride) I rode Thomas Stevens' route from San Francisco to Istanbul.
US planned vs actual route European planned vs actual route- geojson
手机虚拟专用网络设置Thomas Stevens Blog
I'm converting the story of the first man to cycle around the world into blog form. Includes embedded OpenCycleMap maps using Leaflet.js as well as images from the British Library. I also created a 手机虚拟专用网络. -
Interplanetary Lobbing
The Expensive Hardware Lob League covers interplanetary lobbing matches held between planets in the Solar System. -
2013-【虚拟机连不上网怎么解决】 虚拟机怎么连不上网络 - 范文大全:2021-12-27 · 这篇虚拟机连不上网怎么解决是小编特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!1、VMware Workstation虚拟机安装好后,网络不能连接,点击打开网页不能显示。2、点击虚拟机导航上的编辑,在 …
See how the ingredients of the Universe affect the CMB. Created for the 手机虚拟专用网络. Uses jQuery UI, Raphael.js, <canvas> & an 手机虚拟专用网络.
手机虚拟专用网络- 手机虚拟专用网络设置
- canvas
View the Universe in different colours in your browser. Similar to GoogleSky/WWT but you can download it and run it offline. Uses jQuery.
Chromoscope code- javascript
- tile-map
This web service looks up the details of astronomical objects by name. Get results as a webpage, XML, JSON or on your iPhone. It makes Simbad, NED, SkyBot etc more usable.- web services
- data
手机虚拟专用网络设置 Paper Planck
Make your own paper (or card) model of the European Space Agency's Planck satellite. I designed the templates. Uses actual paper.- graphics
2007- @apod
In 2007 I set up the Astronomy Picture of the Day Twitter account to post daily (now twice daily) tweets to APODs.- web
- 手机虚拟专用网络设置
- APIs
Route Rater
Developing from an idea at the ODI Leeds #hackmyroute hack day. This aims to make a crowd-sourced cycle grading map
Route Rater code -
2010-2Agent Exoplanet
Interactive site to measure the brightness of a star with a transiting planet. Uses jQuery, <canvas> and Raphael.js. -
A toy I made to display the currently popular tags being used within the astronomy blogosphere. -
The most exciting astronomy-internet-related conference of the year! I was on the organising committee for the .Astronomy events in Leiden, Oxford & Heidelberg. -
A twice-monthly astronomy podcast featuring the latest news, interviews and the night sky. I was a co-founder and helped run it for 4.5 years. I have now retired. -
FITS extraction with Javascript
Use Javascript to display a FITS file in a web browser.
jsFITS code -
AVM Javascript Library
Use Javascript to extract information from the AVM tags in the headers of astronomical jpegs. -
手机虚拟专用网络设置365 Days of Astronomy
During 2009, 2010 and 2011 I created the weekly omnibus edition of the podcast using Perl and Sox. -
Astronomy Media Player
My attempt to bring all the astronomy podcasts into one place. It has since been superceded by Portal to the Universe.